QUINT is a set of shaders which tries to cover as many requirements a config author has, while consisting of as few shaders as possible. Without bothering you with all the details, here's a rundown what this thingy here is and what it can do for you: ReShade shares textures between shaders, mostly shaders do very redundant work so textures (read: vram usage) build up, performance goes down. Introducing qUINT, a collection of highly polished shaders, one of which you might already know! Numerous reasons led to the creation of this: the previously stated problem with too many filters that all do various things being only the most obvious one.

Unless you're friendzoned, then you're fucked. You there! Did you ever get confused by the amount of shaders available for ReShade, were you unsure what they do and which ones to use? Did you just download them all and try them out and found your own personal set but it just doesn't cut it? Did you leave your config as is because experimenting with virtually infinite combinations is just too tiresome? Well, this might be the solution to all your problems. QUINT - quintessential shader collection for ReShade 3īlahblah prep talk to get you to use my shaders ahead: